Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congratulations to Lawrence Freedman

PublicAffairs is thrilled to announce that Lawrence Freedman has won the 2009 Lionel Gelber Prize for A Choice of Enemies (9781586485184)!

The Lionel Gelber Prize is a literary award for "the world's best non-fiction book in English that seeks to deepen public debate on significant global issues,” and has been described by the Economist as “the world’s most important award for non-fiction.” Past winners have included Lawrence Wright, Jonathan Spence, David McCullough, Michael Ignatieff, Adam Hochschild, Walter Russell Mead, and Steve Coll.

In presenting the award, Prize Board chairman Noah Rubin said, "If you were to select only one book to understand the turmoil and confusion ofevents in the Middle East over the past 30 years, this is a perfect choice." Judges on this year's panel included Walter Russell Mead and Amity Shlaes.

Other finalists for this year's award included Ahmed Rashid, for Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia, and Fareed Zakariah, for The Post-American World.

For more information on the prize (and the book), check out its website: http://www.utoronto.ca/mcis/gelber.

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